Fun Flight Events are designed to help pilots get maximum enjoyment from their aircraft by providing an exciting destination and/or trip that can be shared with family, friends and fellow pilots. In most cases, P.A.S. will provide all the necessary flight planning and take care of all organizational matters to make these events safe and enjoyable. These events will generally require a small entry fee to cover P.A.S.’s organizational and promotional expenses. Prices will vary based on event, location, and number of participants.
There are no Fun Flight events scheduled at this time.
Some Fun Flights that we anticipate offering in the future are:
*Grand Canyon Tours (including crossing the Canyon over all four VFR general aviation corridors and landings at each of the three canyon airports).
*Yellowstone Park Tour.
*Highest to Lowest Airport. A flight from the highest airport in the Continental U.S. (9927’ MSL) to the lowest airport in the Continental U.S. (-210’ MSL).
*Coastal Island Hopping (a visit to some of the most interesting airports in some of the most beautiful areas of the country).
If you would like us to offer a specific Fun Flight Event, please email us at: Please indicate where you would like the flight to go to/from and any other specifics.