Swift Training

P.A.S. provides a variety of services associated with the Globe/Temco Swift aircraft. Specifically specializing in “Super Swift’s” and various high-performance modifications of the original Swift aircraft. Whether you are a long time Swift owner/pilot or you are totally new to the Swift community, P.A.S. can offer a wide variety of services to help you be a top-notch “Swifter.”
Swift Training: P.A.S. will work with you to create a course of training customized to fit your specific needs. Whether it be initial Swift and/or tailwheel training or proficiency training for an experienced Swift pilot, having an instructor with knowledge of your unique aircraft is the reason to choose P.A.S. We can also help you create a professional airline-style checklist for operating your Swift in normal, abnormal & emergency situations. The Swift is not the most docile tailwheel aircraft ever built and Swift pilots should take their training seriously. P.A.S. can help you do just that.
Swift Pre-Purchase Services: Not a Swift owner, but hoping to be? P.A.S. can help you find just the Swift to suit your needs. Swift’s are now 70+ years old and no one should buy one without seeking the help of knowledgeable aviation professionals to help them find the best one their budget allows. While P.A.S. has no A&P’s on staff and do not profess to have A&P-type knowledge, we can help you make sense of the myriad of STC’s and modifications common to Swifts and what combination of them is appropriate for your choice of aircraft. Many Swifts look great on the surface, but are operating with illegal or incomplete paperwork. Gaps in required paperwork develop as age, modifications, ownership changes, and the attention required to keep the paperwork up-to-date as the aircraft has been modified and upgraded over the decades. We can also help you narrow your search and waste less time during the search for “your” Swift.
Choose P.A.S. and discover the joys of “Swifting.”
Swift Grammar Lesson:
Swift – (noun) A small bird or “General Aviation’s Finest Aircraft” (a Swift advertising slogan from the 1940’s).
Swifter – (noun) A person with an affinity for or some attachment to Globe/Temco Swift aircraft.
Swifting – (verb) The act of anything related to the care for or flying of a Swift.
Swiftly – (adj) The way in which a Swifter goes about Swifting! May also be used as a salutation:
Swiftly Yours,