Photo Gallery
New Zealand’s North Island (Cessna 421)

252.Racetrack south of Auckland, NZ

253.Over Meremere, NZ (looking SW) towards W coast of, N of Mt. Karioi

254.Raglan Aerodrome (NZRA) and Raglan Harbour

255.W coast of Northern NZ, north side of Raglan Harbour

256.Raglan Aerodrome (NZRA) and Raglan Harbour

257.W coast of Northern NZ, between Raglan & Port Waikato

258.W coast of Northern NZ, between Raglan & Port Waikato

259.W coast of Northern NZ, between Raglan & Port Waikato

260.W coast of Northern NZ, between Raglan & Port Waikato

261.W coast of Northern NZ, between Raglan & Port Waikato

262.W coast of Northern NZ, between Raglan & Port Waikato

263.W coast of Northern NZ, between Raglan & Port Waikato

264.W coast of Northern NZ, between Raglan & Port Waikato

265.S end of Port Waikato, where the Waikato River empties into the Tasman Sea

266.S end of Port Waikato, where the Waikato River empties into the Tasman Sea

267.Manukau Heads, Inlet to Manukau Harbour (SW side of Auckland, NZ)

268.Whatipu Beach (SW side of Aucklack, NZ), looking N

269.S shore of Whatipu Beach and Manukau Harbour inlet, SW side of Auckland, looking NE

270.Whatipu Beach (SW side of Aucklack, NZ), looking NE

271.Whatipu Beach (W side of Aucklack, NZ), looking SE

272.Beach near Karekare, W of Auckland, looking NE

273.Beach near Karekare, W of Auckland, looking NE

274.Taitomo Island, Lion Rock & Piha Beach, NZ (W of Auckland, looking NE)

275.Cove N or Piha Beach, looking NE (W of Auckland)

276.Whatipu and Ninepin Rock (heading SE into Manukau Harbour and Auckland)

277.Ninepin Rock, looking S towards Manukau Harbour inlet.

278.Manukau Harbour inlet and South Head (looking S), heading SE into Auckland

279.Huia, and Wonga Wonga Bay (W end of Manukau Harbour), SW end of Auckland

280.Laingholm (SW suburb of Auckland), looking NE

281.NWern suburbs of Auckland (looking N)

282.Auckland City Center, looking E

283.Westhaven Marina, N side of Auckland City Center (looking E)

284.SkyTower and Auckland City Center, looking SE

285.Ardmore Aerodrome, Auckland, looking W

286.Maraetai Beach, looking W

287.Maraetai Beach, looking W

289.Maraetai Beach, looking N toward Waiheke Island

290.Maraetai Beach, looking NE toward Waiheke Island

291.Maraetai, New Zealand (Eastern suburb of Auckland)

292.Maraetai Beach, looking NE toward Waiheke & Ponui Islands

293.The observation deck of the PlaneSmart Hangar, Ardmore Airport, Auckland, NZ

294.Omaha Bay, Beach & Flats & Takatu Point

295.Takatu Point, S end of Omaha Bay

296.Whangarei Airport (NZWR), looking NW across Whanagarei Harbour

297.Whangarei Airport (NZWR), looking N across Whanagarei Harbour

297.Whangarei Airport (NZWR), looking NW across Whanagarei Harbour

298.R Base 06, Whangarei Airport (NZWR), looking NE across Whanagarei Harbour

299.R Base 06, Whangarei Airport (NZWR), looking NE across Whanagarei Harbour

300.R Base 06, Whangarei Airport (NZWR), looking NE across Whanagarei Harbour

301.Final 06, Whangarei Airport (NZWR), looking NE across Whanagarei Harbour

302.Final 06, Whangarei Airport (NZWR), looking NE across Whanagarei Harbour

303.Final 06, Whangarei Airport (NZWR), looking NE across Whanagarei Harbour

304.Final 06, Whangarei Airport (NZWR), looking NE across Whanagarei Harbour

305.Crosswind 06, Whangarei Airport (NZWR), looking SE across Whanagarei Harbour towards Tamatarau

306.Crossind 06, Whangarei Airport (NZWR), looking S across Whanagarei Harbour towards Takahiwai

307.Whangarei Heads, looking SE

308.Marsden Point Oil Refinery (NZRC), loking S

309.Whangarei Heads, looking N

310.Little Barrier Island & Mt. Hauturu (2369′), looking E (protected nature preserve)

311.Little Barrier Island & Mt. Hauturu (2369′), looking E (protected nature preserve)

312.Little Barrier Island & Mt. Hauturu (2369′), looking E (protected nature preserve)

313.Kaikoura Island & Motu Kaikoura Island Aerodrome (NZKD), looking NE

314.Kaikoura Island & Motu Kaikoura Island Aerodrome (NZKD), looking NE

315.Kaikoura Island & Motu Kaikoura Island Aerodrome (NZKD), looking NE

316.Kaikoura Island & Motu Kaikoura Island Aerodrome (NZKD), looking E

317.Kaikoura Island & Motu Kaikoura Island Aerodrome (NZKD), looking E

318.Kaikoura Island & Motu Kaikoura Island Aerodrome (NZKD), looking E

319.Kaikoura Island & Motu Kaikoura Island Aerodrome (NZKD), looking SE

320.Kaikoura Island & Motu Kaikoura Island Aerodrome (NZKD), from directly overhead

321.Western peninsula of Great Barrier Island, NZ, looking S

322.Kaikoura Island & Motu Kaikoura Island Aerodrome (NZKD), from directly overhead, looking N

323.Kaikoura Island & Motu Kaikoura Island Aerodrome (NZKD), looking NW

324.Kaikoura Island & Motu Kaikoura Island Aerodrome (NZKD), looking N

325.Kaikoura Island & Motu Kaikoura Island Aerodrome (NZKD), looking E

326.Broken Islands, off the SW coast of Great Barrier Island, NZ (looking S)

327.Soil runoff, Broken Islands, NZ