Photo Gallery
Cirrus Flying & Teaching: 2003-2004
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More of the planes, the people, and the places during my busiest two years of specialized Cirrus teaching and services, which included a landing in each of the 48 contiguous United States, in 2003 (Hawaii was added in 2004).
Click on any image below to see a larger version, including a descriptive caption.

Lambeau Field
Green Bay, WI. Taken prior to kickoff of the first (and only) Packers playoff game of the ‘02-’03 season (Jan. 4, 2003). This photo is for all my Wisconsin customers who take Sunday’s off from flying to watch the game! Crazy Cheeseheads! =)

VT Sunset
Climbing out of Rutland, Vermont. The landing there was my first time in VT and was the 48th state I’ve landed a Cirrus in.

Apostle Islands
A cluster of about a dozen islands along the southwest shore of Lake Superior (northwestern corner of Wisconsin). Feb. 2003.

Ice Bridge
A frozen section of Lake Superior between the northern Wisconsin mainland and Madeline Island (the largest of the Apostle Islands). Snow is plowed from the ice and lane markers are laid out to form a highway across the ice to/from the island. Yes, there were cars on it. Feb. 2003.

An UP’er Sunset
A beautiful sunset flight, heading west out of Houghton-Hancock, MI (Upper Peninsula).

75% of Rapid Flyer
Craig Urhe, David Schweitert & Gary Larson. 3 or the 4 owners (Greg Scherr not pictured) of N203RF (Rapid Flyers, Inc.). I had the pleasure of working with these gentleman for a week and a half in March 2003, delivering their new plane to them and teaching them all how to fly it.

Enroute to RAP
The new PFD-Equipped SR-22 cockpit, while enroute to Rapid City, SD during delivery. Note the True Air Speed (182 KTS, left center edge of PFD).

Maurizio and Matt
Italian PAS customer, Maurizio Bombarda. Maurizio spent 5 days in Milwaukee training in his new SR-22 with me in April, 2003. We are pictured at the Juneau-Dodge County, WI airport (UNU), where we stopped for fuel.

Photo Ship
Maurizio’s plane in-flight just southwest of Fond du Lac, WI. One of the services PAS arranged for Mr. Bombarda was an extensive air-to-air photo session for the purpose of a magazine article he was writing.

N357MV In-Flight
Another shot of Maurizio’s plane. In this one, I am flying (right seat) while Maurizio is taking pictures of our formation partner’s airplane (also an SR-22).

MEGIS X’ed Out
Chicago’s famous Meigs Field in early May 2003 after the runway had been defaced with large X’s carved into its surface. Truly a sad sight set against the beautiful city skyline.

Ogden, UT (Looking East)
Taken in May, 2003. Back-taxiing after landing for the night, enroute to Minden, NV to deliver this new PFD-equipped SR-22 to Don Dubin.

Panel Crossing the Great Salt Lake
Taken the following morning (May, 2003) shortly after departing Ogden, UT enroute to Minden, NV.

San Luis Obispo
Morro Rock, sitting at the mouth of Morro Bay in San Luis Obispo, CA.

Yosemite Valley Looking NE
The heart of the Yosemite National Park. The sheer face of “El Capitan” can be seen at the lower left, while “Half-Dome” can be seen at the center right edge of the photo. Note the hazy horizon due to nearby forest fires (Sept 2003).

Peter Kendall at LVK
The first of several limited edition “Centennial” SR-22’s that PAS delivered. Pictured is the plane’s owner at his home airport of Livermore, CA (Oct. 2003).

Custom Graphics
Another example of beautiful custom graphics on a Cirrus. This aircraft belongs to Bud & Janeese Olsson of Lincoln, NE. Photo taken at Oshkosh, WI (OSH) during the PAS engine break-in process (Nov. 2003).

Crossing the South CO Rockies
Alone on a ferry flight from Colorado Springs, CO (COS) to Temecula, CA (F70), which included a swing through the San Francisco area. I’m obviously breathing supplemental oxygen, while cruising across the southern Colorado Rockies at 14,500 feet (Jan. 2004).

Monument Valley looking North
Same flight as last picture. At the owner’s suggestion, I took the opportunity to take in the amazing scenery of Monument Valley, which lies across the Arizona/Utah boarder. This is the area where the vast majority of John Wayne-era western movies were filmed (Jan. 2004).

Monument Valley
One more picture of this awesome flight. This one was taken at the extreme southern end of Monument Valley. I’m flying at about 1000’ above the ground, but the mesas and chimney rocks to my right tower above my altitude. Stunning in its beauty and desolation (Jan 2004).

The VOR-A approach into the Santa Monica, CA airport (SMO) can provide a perfect vantage point to view this famous landmark. My student for the day was from nearby and suggested we do lunch at SMO’s famous authentic Asian restaurant. The meal was great, even if I did decide to pass on the plate of fresh grilled termites! Thanks David (Jan 2004).

Base to Final at Atlanta Hartsfield Int’l
Approaching to land at one of the busiest airports in the world. This is the final flight after providing two days of recurrent training to SR-22 owner, Walt Massey. Training was conducted in southern Mississippi and Alabama, but Walt dropped me off at ATL to catch my airline flight home (Feb 2004).

Devil’s Tower National Monument
During recurrent training with some of my favorite customers out of Rapid City, SD. We took a day trip over to Wyoming and past this natural wonder (March 2004).

The Stratosphere Tower Las Vegas
This was taken on one of several passes past the sky scraper which serves as a visual arrival point into the North Las Vegas airport (VGT). I was teaching at a Cirrus Proficient Pilot Program (CPPP) for the weekend (March 2004).

Volkmann SR-22 G2
The first SR-22 G2 delivered by PAS at Waukesha, WI (UES). The proud owner, David Volkmann based the aircraft in his home area of Reno, NV (May 2004).

Laurence & Matt at Kahului Airport, Maui, Hawaii (OGG)
Posing after landing in my 49th state in a Cirrus. Laurence is the owner of SR-22 G2, N769LB. He and my wife were riding in the back, while I was instructing his friend, Lorne, up front. Lorne has since purchased an SR-20 G2. (Sept. 2004)

Molokai’s North Shore
These are some of the tallest sea cliffs in the world, along the north shore of Molokai Island, Hawaii (the middle island). This shot was actually taken from a helicopter, in which we took an aerial tour with Air Maui Helicopter Tours (a company we would highly recommend). (Sept. 2004)