Photo Gallery
Cirrus Flying & Teaching: 2001 – 2002
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The planes, the people and the places during my first two years specializing in Cirrus aircraft instruction.
Click on any image below to see a larger version, including a descriptive caption.

The Beginning (Matt & Don Starks)
This is the first Cirrus I flew (Serial #80). I had about 20 hours in it before going to work for Cirrus. It is an early SR-20, owned by Don Starks. Mr. Starks was my student while pursuing his Private Pilot Cert. and Instrument Rating (when he owned a C-172XP). He and I became good friends and I provided him with proficiency training for many years. This photo was taken in Nov. 2001 in Panama City, FL (PFN).

Sears Tower (Chicago, IL)
On base-leg for Runway 18 at Chicago’s Meigs Field (CGX). This was my second Cirrus customer training, early Dec. 2001. The owner and I were enroute from Duluth to the D.C. area.

LAX on Amav
A picture of the Arnav MFD in Rick Beach’s SR-22 (before he upgraded it with newer software). This was taken on the last day of Rick’s training as we flew southbound through the LAX Hollywood Park VFR Corridor in late Dec. 2001.

Meteor Crater
Jan. 2002. SR-20 delivery to Arizona.

Sedona, AZ
This was taken while on downwind for landing at Sedona (SEZ). Jan. 2002.

First Avidyne
Tom Moore took delivery of the first Cirrus to be equipped with the Avidyne MFD and I had the pleasure of training him in his SR-22. This is a promotional shot of he and I, taken at the Cirrus factory to commemorate the delivery.

Tom Moore & Matt (Gwinner, ND)
Together, Tom and I flew his new plane from Duluth to his home airport, near Portland, OR. This was the start of day two of that trip…and yes, it was COLD! Feb. 2, 2002. Its rarely balmy in North Dakota in February!

90-Meter Ski Jump (Ironwood, MI)
During a Duluth local area training, my customer and I noticed this ski jump while practicing landings at Ironwood, MI (northwest upper peninsula of MI). We decided to circle it for photos. I’m told it is used by the U.S. Olympic Team for practice, but I can’t confirm that. March 2002.

Marble Canyon Airport
A public use airport that lies below the rim of the Grand Canyon. I’m circling to lose altitude, as the airspace outside of 3NM from the airport is restricted. Unfortunately, in this photo it is difficult to see that there’s a slight bend in the runway.

Downwind Leg, Below the Rim
Also at Marble Canyon, AZ (L41). I’m at pattern altitude and about 1000’ below the canyon’s rim.

Temple Butte (Grand Canyon)
The solitary white tower rock in the center foreground is Temple Butte. This is on the eastern end of the Grand Canyon.

Tuckup Corridor (Grand Canyon)
A view from one of the VFR touring corridors through the Canyon.

SR-22 Panel
The panel of an SR-22. During delivery to southern CA and near the Grand Canyon. June 2002.

Approaching the Airport in the Sky
Base to Final for landing at the Avalon Airport, Catalina Island, CA (AVX). This is a strange runway, with a pronounced slope and a peak in the middle that makes half the runway appear to disappear in the flare.

Catalina Island, CA
An overhead view of Catalina Island and the Avalon Airport. Seems more like satellite picture of another planet!

Leaving Cedar Rapids
(Aug. 2002) David Van Gaalen and I taxiing for our first takeoff in his new-to-him SR-20. We picked up the plane in Cedar Rapids, IA (CID) and trained enroute to Great Falls, MT (GTF). From there, Dave flew home to Canada.

Zimmerman – N926CD
(Oct. 2002) Scott Zimmerman and myself in Bruswick, GA - St. Simon’s Island, McKinnon Airport (SSI). Scott, his wife Dorothy and I flew from the Cirrus factory to their home in Somerset, PA and then to the Georgia coast. We did some training in the area and some scenic bicycling too (unless you’re a serious cyclist, don’t even try to keep up with Scott!).

Delivery Day
(Dec. 2002) Rick Eiler taking delivery of his new SR-22 at the Cirrus factory. Rick hired PAS to help him with aircraft acceptance, delivery, engine break-in and training for himself, his partner in the plane and one of their instructors.

Dead Presidents
Mt. Rushmore (Rapid City, SD). Rick Eiler is flying his new SR-22 while I’m snapping pictures. We were just passing through on our way to his home in Provo, UT after taking delivery of his plane at the factory in Duluth, MN.

Crazy Horse
Just a few miles northwest of Mt. Rushmore, this HUGE monument is coming along nicely. Ahead of the face will be his outstretched arm, with his horse’s head below it.

Twin Arches
Two of the many naturally occurring stone arches in Arches National Park, north of Moab, UT. Canyonlands Field (CNY) is just west of the Park.

Moab, UT
The city is hidden in the valley forward of the aircraft. This was taken looking east, in the general direction of Monument Valley.

Chimney Rocks
Flying south through a deep gorge near Moab, UT. Chimney rocks are everywhere in this area…some of them, hundreds of feet tall.